Wednesday, 15 October 2008

The trouble with the internet...

Is that is contains just too much information. I have been searching for information on age over 43 pregnancies which then throws up such things as recurrent miscarriages and peoples own individual stories, some of which gives you great hope and others make you even more scared for the future.

I therefore think you need to act like a giant sieve trying to sort out which is applicable and what is not. The problem also comes from the fact that you start to believe you have a great deal of knowledge which as we all know is a very dangerous thing and makes you feel able to dispense advice. Whilst I have read each heart breaking story I have resisted in posting anything and just merely closed these sites down and made a pact with myself not to look at them again as they are not actually serving any purpose.

Your own strength comes from within and those around you who support, care and nuture you and whilst it is useful to share information and thoughts relatively anonomously my view is that in the long term it is only you who can organise thoughts and feelings and deal with them in a way that brings some relative peace to you.

The internet has also let me down in finding a waterpik and electric toothbrush combined, I am going back to catalogues and good old fashioned shopping...!

1 comment:

Margot said...

I'm now a follower and won't miss your posts.
You're right about being a sieve; everything is out there, but you have to find what's useful to you.
And, like you, I find friends most "useful."